“You don’t have to raise your hand, just speak.”

You’re back at the restaurant, having lunch with your coworkers. The same lunch to talk about advertising strategy which you thought had happened an hour ago. And, your coworker is right – you are indeed raising your hand. But rather than possessing a shiny steel sword, your hand contains a white plastic fork. Was it all just a daydream?

“Oh,” you say, embarrassed. You put your fork down. Someone from a neighboring table giggles and points in your direction.

Your coworkers look at you quizzically.

You find yourself thinking about all you went through, or thought you went through, to slay the dragon which was terrorizing the town. You think about the four strategies of Define, Capture, Engage, and Impress, and how they might work in the real world.

After all, if such methods might work to slay an actual dragon, then slaying the ad dragon would be a piece of cake. Especially with the help of those who had gone through such adventures before.

“Well?” you are asked. “Do you have any ideas?”

You smile, take a deep breath, and answer.

“Yes. Yes, I do.”

Y O U  W I N !


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But if, by chance, you are intrigued at the not-so-subtle subtext of the story, and have the need for design and marketing services, we would love to have you visit our website:

AE: Adventures in New Media

Learn about our services, our team, and schedule a free consultation so we can slay your next dragon together. Or, at the very least, connect with us on social media, where we can share more fun adventures with you in the future.

Thank you for playing,

John K. Addis