Against your better judgment, you decide to explore the space further before taking any definitive action just yet. After all, what could be the harm in delaying your attack a little longer? There’s still another part of the basement you haven’t yet explored. Who knows what you might still find.

There’s a narrow passageway on the far wall of the basement which seems to be lit with a single flickering bulb. Leaving the sword where it is, you cautiously enter the small passage, which leads to an old coal room which clearly hasn’t been used in decades. Yet there is something peculiar – a sort of cage built into the wall. Upon closer inspection you realize it’s not a cage, but an old Victorian-style elevator.

The elevator car is in place, waiting for you to enter. It occurs to you that this could indeed be a way out. You hadn’t noticed an elevator in the vacant office space above, so you figure it must open up to the back of the building instead.

You slide open the elevator gate and step inside. It is a surprisingly plush and attractive elevator, especially for such an unassuming basement, but you imagine it must have belonged to Capitol Fur, whose clientele expected a certain level of sophistication.

What’s even more surprising, however, is that the elevator has not just a button to return to the surface, but several buttons indicating lower levels. Why would a furrier need so many subbasements? Clothing storage? It was all a little strange.

Do you:

Take the elevator up.


Take the elevator down.