In the nick of time, you race through the entrance of the Downtown Branch of the Capital Area District Library. For a moment, you feel safe.

You look around. It’s clear from the panicked faces of staff and strangers that they know about the dragon. Some are glancing nervously out windows. Others are huddled between bookshelves.

It occurs to you that you’re in a place of unlimited information. Surely a book or video in this building would have clues to stopping the beast. Maybe you can even visit the lower level and ask the local historians if there’s any precedent for such an attack.  

You notice an older woman in glasses, looking a bit unnerved and fidgety, juggling a collection of books and a few other items in her outstretched arms.

“These are the answers,” she mumbles to herself. “This will save us.”

As she approaches the exit, a librarian tries to stop her.

“You can’t go out there!”

“I’m not staying in here forever!” she counters. “It’s only a matter of time before the dragon breaks in!”

As if on cue, you hear something pounding against the glass walls by the children’s section. You turn and see the dragon is indeed trying to enter. When you turn back, the woman has made it out the door. You see her running down Kalamazoo toward Washington Square.

One of the glass panes shatters. The creature will be inside at any moment.

Do you:

Leave the library and run to Reutter Park to attempt to hide in the safety of fountain water.


Leave the library and try and chase down the woman claiming to have helpful information.