You cross Washtenaw and continue racing down Capitol Avenue. The dragon hasn’t reached you yet, but you know it's close from the occasional heat on your back and the screams of passersby.

As you pass an academic building to your right, you can’t help but notice a law student with their phone stretched out in front of them, their back to the approaching danger. At first you think they must not be aware of what’s happening, but then you realize the student is trying to get a selfie with the dragon behind them. Predictably, the dragon turns the budding Instagram star, and their phone, to ash.

That was not a smart social media strategy, you think to yourself.

As you approach Kalamazoo Street, you again have a choice. A slight right will put you in Reutter Park, which boasts a giant fountain which seems to be in operation today. It occurs to you that water might be the safest place to be to protect yourself from the dragon's fire. Or, making a slight left will allow you to enter the downtown branch of the Capital Area District Library. Though recently remodeled and modernized on the inside, the historic Kenneth C. Black structure is safe, sturdy, and almost certainly dragon-proof—especially if the dragon lacks a library card.

Do you:

Head into Reutter Park to find safety in the fountain.


Head into the library to find safety behind brick, stone, and books.