Though you’re tempted to face the dragon, your gut tells you that something is missing. The woman from the library had left you with tools for the first three components to an attack strategy, but not the fourth: Impress. In the marketing brochure, “Impress” refers to print media components, such as flyers, vehicle wraps, signage, packaging, and so on. In other words, mostly tangible things that someone can touch and feel. It seems unlikely the dragon will be subdued with a tri-fold brochure, yet you still feel that something physically impressive is required to complete the puzzle.

You smile at the dragon, then race to the back of the office, still carrying several books, the sketchpad and pencils, and the ball. The creature does not pursue you, and you realize why. There’s no back door to this office. No way out outside of the front door already being blocked. You set down the items borrowed from the woman and look around. Nothing.

There is, however, a door marked “basement.” Opening it reveals ancient steam pipes and a rickety staircase. You find a light switch, hold the railing tight, and cautiously but quickly descend into the unknown.

The basement is musty but largely empty, save for a few old doors propped against cracked walls. A tattered print advertisement lay on the ground, and you at first think this must be what you’re looking for. But it’s just an ad for Capitol Fur – a high-end clothing and fur shop which had closed a decade ago after operating in Lansing for nearly a century. Apparently, the building you’re in once was Capitol Fur, which like most furriers couldn’t quite survive the transition into a society whose conscience had changed. Perhaps if they had noticed this cultural shift and rebranded themselves Capitol Fashion instead of Capitol Fur, they would still be in business. Like ad execs say, if Grand Trunk Railroad had realized their business was transportation, and not “trains,” today we’d all be flying Grand Trunk Airlines.

Then, you see it. Partially hidden behind a few cardboard boxes is something shiny, metallic, and somehow glimmering even in the dim basement light. You move the boxes to reveal a beautiful, shiny silver sword – the exact weapon you’d expect a brave knight to wield against a sinister dragon. And, as if the fates wanted to make it absolutely clear to you that this was the final piece of the puzzle, you notice the hilt is embossed with the word IMPRESS.

This is it. You are now certain you have all the pieces. You know what you need to do.

Do you:

Go back upstairs to finally slay the dragon.


Continue to poke around in the basement, in case there’s something you’ve overlooked.