With as much confidence as you can muster, sword firmly in hand, you take the stairs two at a time. Back in the empty office, you gather the books, the sketchpad and pencils, and the wooden ball. You reason the books must have to do with the Define part of the puzzle, the sketchpad with Capture, and the wooden ball with Engage – especially since, helpfully, it’s engraved with the word ENGAGE. The sword, of course, covers Impress. And now it’s time to execute the strategy.

The dragon is where you left it, its head and arms inside the vacant space, blocking the outside world to you. It observes the items you are carrying with bemusement, and does not attack. It’s waiting to see what you’re going to do.

“Dragon,” you say confidently, “I will first define you.” Over the next few minutes, you not only read the fantasy encyclopedia’s definition and history of dragons, as well as historical summaries, but also plot out exactly what you hope to accomplish with this whole endeavor—its defeat. After all, the marketing brochure had listed branding, research, and strategy in this category. The dragon listens, knowingly, and nods.

“Next,” you say, “I will capture you.” Using the sketchpad and artist’s pencils, you draw a reasonable likeness of the creature, making sure to detail all notable traits, such as its sharp teeth, scales, and ability to breathe fire. The brochure had detailed photography and video services under “capture” as well, so to be safe you take out your cell phone and take photos and videos, too. You have now, to the best of your ability, captured the essence of the dragon.

“Now I will engage you,” you reveal. Your first instinct is to juggle the large wooden ball between your hands, engaging the creature’s attention. This works at first, but the creature soon appears restless, even irritated. You think back to the marketing brochure and realize that engaging means interaction, not just putting on a show. Within the context of the marketing brochure, this largely referred to online and interactive components, but you’re not going to build the creature a website. Instead, you kneel down and roll the grapefruit-sized ball to the dragon’s left talon. It stops the ball, examines it, and rolls it back to you. Over the next few minutes, you and the dragon successfully pass the ball back and forth in a surreal game of catch. But the hardest part is yet to come.

You pick up the sword from the ground, stand tall, and hold it before you. The weapon appears to glow slightly from within, and it has secured the dragon’s rapt and complete attention. It is, indeed, impressed. You approach the creature confidently, until you are standing just two feet away from its head. It’s time for the final piece of the puzzle, which can only be accomplished with something impressive in the physical world.

“Dragon, with this sword, I will now slay you.”

The creature’s eyes widen as you raise the sword over your head, preparing to strike with all your might.

Continue to reveal your fate!